I recently had my first moss experience. It was very pleasant :) I bought a bag of craft moss at Walmart for just over $2, and used only half of it for this craft. I love leftovers!
This glass bowl is one of 12 that we used for our wedding centerpieces. They cost almost $4 at Michaels. I kept two and sold the rest on Craigslist, and finally made use of this one. I filled the bottom of the bowl with dirt, and then topped it with a think layer of moss.
I made a rosette out of burlap. You can see the tutorial for the flower here at the Tatertots and Jello blog site. Notes from the Plumb Tree has a nice tutorial as well. It can be seen here. I added the button, which came from Hobby Lobby. I paid just under $2 for a set of two gorgeous buttons!
Isn't it pretty??? :)
I placed the bowl on a pretty napkin from Pottery Barn and put the whole thing on this bar cutout we have in our kitchen wall.
Please don't judge what you can see if our kitchen : / It's an apartment kitchen and I haven't quite figured out how to make those ugly cabinets pretty without permanently altering them. (Has anyone ever covered cabinets with removable wallpaper?)
Thanks for stopping by!
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