Tuesday, December 20, 2011


I have just used my sewing machine for the first time! Just messing around with scraps of fabric. Today I plan on making some hammocks for my rats. Good practice project because it can sew as crooked as I want and no one will complain (haha).

Sewing is scary. I am going to break my machine, I am sure of it.

Yesterday I finished a painting of a dog named Uma for my friends Jonathon and Katie. They lost Uma this summer :(

Monday, December 19, 2011

One Year

These past few days have been awesome!

On Friday I took my last final EVER. No more college. Okay, I admit that I am taking a three week December course, but not only is it about the representations of dogs in popular culture, but there are no exams or papers, and it's taught by an acquaintance of mine. So it's a fun class, it hardly even counts as a class ;)

Yesterday, Patrick and I celebrated our 1 year anniversary. Feels like 100 to me. We have been through so much in this first year together. Can't wait to see what is to come!

We went and saw Mission Impossible 4. I love Tom Cruise movies because the stunts are amazing. And the trailer for the new showing of Titanic made me cry. I am a dork.

Then we got dressed up in our fancy clothes and went out to eat. We had the most fabulous queso and chips appetizer. The only problem was that I practically inhaled the cheese and unlike at cheaper restaurants, they did not bring us more.... D:

Pregnant ladies need cheese, don't cha know.

Patrick got me a sewing machine, so I can finally make all the things on my to do list (once I figure out how to use it). I got him breathe right strips. The gift that keeps on giving.

I love my huz.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Meet Liam Damian Davey

Hi all,

I have returned from no-mans-land! This, my last beautiful semester of college, has been quite a beast. My husband is a senior too, so combined with his Navy duties, the pregnancy and constantly sick animals (plus my recently found addiction to Vampire Diaries) blogging has taken a back seat.

I have been crafting and painting, just too lazy to share. Over Thanksgiving break we took some time to go on a roadtrip to Virginia. 24 hours each way made for quite a miserable drive but the trip itself was great - I'll post pics soon. Love going on adventures with my huz :)

But the main focus of this post is Bebe. I am now 21 weeks and a few days. We had wanted to be surprised by the sex, but I knew it was a boy and wanted it confirmed. I didn't want to get attached to him as my son only to see it was a girl after all (which, honestly, I would have preferred. A boy was never part of my plan, and as callous as it sounds, it is taking some getting used to. I do love him though.).

In any case, it IS a boy. Liam Damian Davey :)
I can't wait to kiss his nose!!

Also, for those interested - we are definitely having a midwife assisted homebirth. I had visited the only local hospital with midwives that our insurance covers to gain some perspective on that, but didn't like it at all. They were pretty rude to me and had a very negative view of the kind of birth I want. So, homebirth it is. As long as we qualify. The last time they took my blood my hemoglobin was very low, which is why I was always so tired, but as long as I get it up by week 28 I'll be fine. In the meantime, I'm taking a ton of natural supplements to help with that. Only four more months and then some change!

Pregnancy is going fairly smoothly. I didn't have much morning sickness, just constant nausea for the first 14 or 15 weeks. I feel great now, back to my normal self mainly, and judging by the ferocity of his kicks, Liam is doing pretty good too :)

21 weeks! My belly was looking rather pointy that morning.

Hope everyone else is doing well :)